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We’ve made it to number one of my Top 10 Vertical Drills.

I’m glad to finally be done with the series because that means the release of The Flight System is right around the corner.

Today I wanted to show you my absolute favorite exercise when it comes to vertical jump.

Now I know some of you might have thought that number 1 was going to be some elaborate exercise, but nope!

Update: I have a free Advanced Vertical Jump Series. Learn how to start increasing your vertical


It’s the most common and simple exercise of them all:

#1 Hurdle Jumps

You read that right.

The hurdle jump is my absolute favorite exercise for increasing hops.

The reason, it gets athletes to compete and actually move athletically.

If you noticed all the other exercises from 10-2 are very technical lifts. I’m very meticulous when it comes to using correct form.

But when I pull out the hurdles it’s a completely different story.

I’ve had athletes set new height PR’s simply because they were competing with another athlete at his or her level.

When you create competition, a whole new side of an athlete comes out.

That is why I love the hurdle jump. It allows athletes to forget about form and just have one focus in mind. GETTING OVER THAT BAR.

Glad you guys stuck around for the series and I hope you’re just as excited as I am about The Flight System.

I recorded my 42’ Vertical Jump video yesterday but things didn’t go as planned.

Watch the video on Monday to find out why.

Holler at you next time,

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Update: I have a free Advanced Vertical Jump Series. Learn how to start increasing your vertical



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